Welcome to our "Annual (Christmas) Letter" Page!


Each year I try to write a summary of key family events.  I grew up in the era of Christmas Cards.  Each year as Christmas approached people would get out their Christmas Card list and send cards to all their friends.  Usually everyone you knew much at all got a card: family, friends, business contacts, co-workers, and more.


Even as a kid I thought it strange to send cards to people you see everyday but it was the polite things to do and most did it.  The avalanche of mail buried the post office and they hired all sorts of extra help leading up to the Christmas holiday.


One Christmas I worked at the main Chicago post office as a temp on the night shift.  At Wheaton College you could wear a badge that identified you as a temp worker so the profs would know you were working nights and not ding you if you fell asleep in class. (Really.)


Most people sent a card with just a signature.  They might add a brief note or even a picture.  Some would send a letter inside to catch you up on their lives.  This was especially true with friends for whom life had moved in another direction.  It was always nice to find out how they were doing.


I determined that I would only send cards to people with whom I would not be able to share Christmas greetings in person.  And I liked the idea of a letter to provide more details and a picture.  Actually it started out simply and longer letters came as the years unfolded and the list of people from past lives increased with each move.


So, my annual Christmas letter started out while I was in college and continued as Jan and I married and the family grew.  The only problem was the discipline required to actually write the letter and mail it out during one of the busiest times in the church year.  Most of our “Christmas” letters went out about the middle of January or later.  At least one year it did not go out until after Easter!

At least one was drafted but never mailed.


My plan for this segment is to put them in reverse chronological order starting today and adding past years as time allows.

Richard (January 31, 2019)

Picture taken on January 2, 2020


Christmas Greetings and Blessings! (Richard & Jan Concklin’s 2023 Letter)


It is a pleasure to be able to get this Christmas letter actually out at Christmas!  2023 has been for this Concklin family an emotional whirlwind.  It started simply enough with North Ridge Church, the church we attend.  I (Richard) have continued my ministerial appointment with The Wesleyan Church.  The title is Itinerate Bible Teacher, but the business card says Pastoral Coach and Church Consultant.  That all means that I am available if a church in our region needs some extra support.  Churches in our area have been doing well lately, so most of our ministry is in our local church.  See more under Ministry topic below.


Emotions were positive when we concluded our church’s ‘Yes’ campaign.  It was a fundraiser to start us on our path of owning our own building.  We have been meeting for eleven years in the local Community Center in Waunakee, WI.  That has both its blessings and its limitations and it’s time for our next step.


The professional church consultants looked over our statistics and said that we could probably raise up to $600,000 in gifts and promises.  That would be on the high side but it would give us a start.  Imagine our delight when the Lord Jesus prompted our people to respond and we raised over one million dollars.  That was a real emotional plus.


While we are on the subject of money, in late June we did an extended family garage sale, more to get rid of stuff than to make money.  With almost everything priced at less than five dollars, we netted over $500.  Of course that equals about 75 cents an hour for the ladies who did all the work!  It all went to Megan’s college fund.


The month before, we got word that a good buddy from our group at Gordon Divinity School (now Gordon-Conwell Theo. Sem.) was in Hospice and not doing well.  So another mutual friend and Richard drove out from Chicago to Baltimore for a visit.  It was a good time with Bill Milligan and his family but clouded by the realities of his situation.  That was a plus in many ways but an emotional negative.


At election time we worked the polls.  It is an encouragement to see that with all the complaints about voter fraud in other places, here in Madison we have seen firsthand how well run an election can be.  Many checks and double-checks.  That’s a satisfying plus.


A definite negative has been the number or people that we count as friends who have died. One in 2021, three in 2022, and (so far), five in 2023!  The hardest has been Roger Guetschow, a good buddy in the model A hobby.  After we worked on the cars, we would sit on the folding chairs in the garage bay, look around at three buildings full of cars and parts, and speculate about what our adult kids will go through cleaning out all that stuff.


Roger passed away suddenly after the Memorial Day parade and before the Fourth of July.  We were discussing doing the parade on the Fourth and then he was gone!  The irony is that I have ended up helping his wife and two sons with his stuff.  So far, I have sold a 1931 mail truck, a beautiful 1930 coupe, and am running ads for the 1930 Town Sedan.  Check my web site for more information, www.concklin.net.


We missed our 50th wedding anniversary in 2018.  This January 20th was our 55th.  We missed that, too!  So we decided to celebrate Anniversary 55.5 which would come on July 20th of this year.  So the only available members of our wedding party, our best man, Denny Leeds, and one of our groom’s men, Dave Lingle (my partner on the trip to Baltimore) gathered in Elmhurst to reminisce at the church where it all happened and go out for Dinner afterward.  First Baptist Church, renamed City Church, was wonderful and encouraging.


Since neither Denny nor Richard had been back in Elmhurst for years, with Richard driving and the ladies in the back seat, we proceeded to go from one remembered place to another.  We would comment on the changes and say, Oh!  What about ___________?  And then we would over to that spot.  After a multitude of sites, the chorus from the back-seat proclaimed that it was time to go home!  And we did.




Our family continues to do well and we are grateful.  Both Richard and I enjoy good health (more or less, ha ha).  Daughter Tracy is making progress on her doctoral thesis in Math Ed at UW Madison.  Husband Scott continues  to work for the computer company that keeps the computers at American Family Insurance working properly.  Son Tim continues to direct and teach at the Alternative Learning High School and considers it a ministry that can make a real difference.  His wife Jennifer has just been promoted to lead the various ministries of a local non-profit in Wisconsin Rapids that addresses the needs of the economically disadvantaged: another difference-making ministry!  Son Robert works for the Wisconsin Veteran Society in their media branch;  eventually many of their instructional videos on their website will have been planned and filmed by him. His wife Angie has just been promoted from part time to full time at Madison College in their writing center.  Want help with a resume?  She’s the pro!  We are so proud of them, and not just because of their accomplishments.  They are each wonderful human beings!!!


Our grandchildren continue to delight us!  In reverse birth order:


Abi continues to do well and surpass all the negative predictions.  We attended Ryan’s dance recital in Wisconsin Rapids just last week.  She has really grown in her ability to contribute to the excellent dance program they present each year.



     Picture #1                                                 Picture #2


                        Abi                                                 Richard, Ryan, Jan


Lauren, who is two years ahead of Ryan in her own dance studio in DeForest is excellent and was invited to participate in the annual Madison presentation of the Nutcracker.  A great honor and a lot of work!



       Picture #3                                                Picture #4



Lauren in Costume for Nutcracker                             Tim and Ben Between Bounces


Ben is a senior in high school in Rapids and went with his church youth group on a mission trip to Texas.  An eye opening trip and he was able to contribute in significant ways.  He and Tim are into off roading with a Jeep.  You would not believe the places they drive with others of like mind.  All it takes is 4-wheel drive, gigantic tires, special suspension, and several other off roader people to help pull you out when you go off the unmarked path.



         Pictures #5 and #6


graduated HS in DeForest in June and has just finished her first semester at the University of Iowa.  She loves it and is doing well.




This year, our annual family thanksgiving was held back at our house on the Saturday after Thanksgiving.  Cleaning and prepping were an effort but the house looks great, and a good time was had by all; so that was an emotional up.


In October Bill Milligan, our aforementioned good friend and seminary co-conspirator, passed away after a full life of pastoral ministry and service to the Lord Jesus.  Dave and Richard drove out for the service where Dave was asked to share some thoughts.  Another emotional down and up.




Jan’s Tuesday Bible Study group of ladies just finished a group study of Revelation with a video series by Sean Wood of Ozark College.  It was a real eye opener for most of the ladies, including Jan.  Richard and Jan did the video part ahead of time and we would strongly urge anyone interest in biblical prophecy to check it out.  It is a totally different way to look at Revelation.


A surprise negative was that the church Richard pastored from 1985 to 1992 was disbanding. 

The church was in the process of closing and transferring the property to another fellowship of believers.  Most of the attendees were in the process of finding another church.  There were a few members who were still meeting for worship on Sundays.  But they were not sure if that would continue since the person preaching was not able to keep coming.


Since Richard considers sharing from God’s Word with people who want to listen, a fantastic privilege, he volunteered to speak if they wanted to keep meeting.  No honoraria needed.  Just happy to help.   That single Sunday fill-in lasted ten weeks.


(Word got around that Richard enjoys Diet Dr. Pepper and after that he got a regular honorarium of that beverage each week.  That added a fun bonus to the joy of sharing Jesus’ love and bible truth with the group.)


We were able to include in the last service an opportunity for people to share how First Baptist Church/Monona Oaks Community Church had been used by the Lord Jesus in their lives over the past almost 60 years.  Also, we reflected on the preachers and missionaries who have shared the gospel, literally, around the world from this community of believers.


It was a rather satisfying conclusion to the ministry part of our 2023.  A clear emotional plus.


Starting back on May 31st Richard began work on a Snapfish Anniversary 55.5 photo book.  The heart of the book is the annual letters we sent our since we got married.  We were able to find about 39 of them.  These were augmented with pictures from family and event albums.  So we have a pretty comprehensive of where we’ve been.


It only confirms what we realize almost every day.  That God has certainly excessively blest us for the past 55.5 years with health, strength for each day, resources for daily living, and some really wonderful friends along the way. 


It reinforces what has become our life verse:  Psalm 16:5-6


Lord, you alone are my portion and my cup;
    you make my lot secure.
The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
    surely I have a delightful inheritance.


Our guest room is available.  You’re welcome any time.  Please keep in touch.


Richard and Jan Concklin,  4818 Ferris Ave, Madison, WI, 53716,  1-608-221-2198 (land line)

rconcklin@tds.net, jconcklin@tds.net




Picture #1       Abi


Picture #2        Richard, Ryan, Jan


Picture #3       Lauren in Costume for Nutcracker                            


Picture #4      Tim and Ben Between Bounces


Megan has just finished her first semester at the University of Iowa.


Megan graduated HS in DeForest in June


January 12, 2023

The Richard and Jan Concklin Annual (Christmas) Letter for 2022

Greetings to you from Madison, Wisconsin.  Over the years, as you know, our annual Christmas letter morphed into a ‘year in review’ letter.  So here is our shot at 2022.  Looking back, we are reflecting on a year that seemed to move way too fast.  We are noticing that the older we get, the faster time seems to go when it seems like it should be the opposite!  Bottom line, we are well, as is the rest of our family.  If you want to quit reading right here, you probably have as much information as you really need, but in the chance you want more details, here goes:

Family:   Tracy continues to teach and pursue her doctorate at UW Madison, Scott is still fine tuning his new position at work, Tim is head teacher at an alternative learning school and pursuing his Principal’s certification.  His wife Jen is working with a non-profit that feeds the underserved.  Robert graduated from Madison college last spring with a degree in Graphic Design.  Wife Angie splits her time between working at Madison College in the language lab, working for a medical lab, and being treasurer for a small township in Wisconsin (she’s really busy at tax time!!).  In birth order:  Grandchildren Megan (T&S) will graduate this year and is currently investigating colleges.  Ben (T&J) is a Junior and got his driving license this year.  So far so good.  Lauren (T&S) is a Sophomore and highly involved in dance and her competition team has won awards.  Ryan (T&J)  is in 8th grade, also highly involved in dance and looking forward to High School.  Our youngest Abi (T&J) is 11-1/2 and doing well.  Her current love is unicorns, so you can guess what the theme for last Christmas was!    

In September, Richard was invited to bring the prayer at Caitlin & Sean’s wedding reception.  Caitlin’s dad was his cousin Scotty and the older brother he didn’t have, so it was a privilege to be able to be participate in this special time for them.


Ministries:  Richard taught two classes this last year at church.  We called them 2-hour topics, because each topic was not more than 2 hours, 2 sessions.  First one was “Prophecy” in January and then “The Bible’s basic Message” in October.  Jan is still leading a woman’s group (dubbed her Youth Group by Megan) on Tuesdays which has provided a great deal of personal satisfaction.  We are both grateful for continuing ministry opportunities.

Travel:  In June, we flew out to Boston to reconnect with friends from (umm…) 30-40 years ago.  Richard drove by the church where we pastored 40 years ago and was able to meet briefly with the Pastor.  It is thriving and filling the sanctuary every week.  It was heart warming to see the place doing so well, and to know that the Lord Jesus is still using that place where we had many good years.  True confessions as to the state of our lives:  we tried to connect with someone about a memorial service for her Mom in August, only to find out it was August 2021.  Somehow we lost a year! Got to clean up those emails.

Projects:  Jan got the bug to repaint the living room, dining room and hall.  Richard’s job is to mask, remove and reinstall light outlet covers and heating vents, and patching as needed.  It’s a division of labor that has served us well.  Richard got the bug to FINALLY deal with the papers and stuff on the ping pong table in the basement.  Took weeks, but it was ready for our family Christmas party.  In the general finding and filing of (important) papers, he managed to find many of our Christmas letters since 1969 and they are now all in one notebook. 

Organ recital:  no, not that kind of organ.  When senior citizens get together, the joke goes that they compare their various ailments and it’s called an organ recital.  Well, this was the year of the cataract surgery:  Jan had both eyes done and Richard had the second eye done.  (first was in 2021).  Both of us are adjusting, although at different rates, and discovering a new normal.


The theme for the next three events is “how GOOD it feels to be together again!!!!!”


Thanksgiving:  We had our usual celebration at Tracy’s, with immediate and extended family.  17 of us! We have moved it for several years now to Saturday to let our kids go to the in-laws on Thanksgiving Day itself.  That has worked out well.  We have noticed over the years that people come and are relaxed and happy to stay rather than rushing out to another family event.  This year we had a dessert table that kept people hovering. 

Christmas:  This year we wanted to host our whole immediate family at our house in Madison and that happened on Monday the 26th.  (see picture)  It was so fun to be together.  Dinner and presents, ping pong (see the previous paragraph on Projects) and chatting.  Add in laughter, stories and hugs and you have our day. 

Extended family Christmas:  (history) Back in the 1950’s Richard’s grandmother Henrietta would host a Concklin family party in Oak Park, Illinois.  Included were her children (Lewis, Carolyn and Roger, Richard’s dad), grandchildren, her brother Uncle Will and Aunt Mame and family. Uncle Will brought the turkey.  Gramma cooked the turkey and had several pies for dessert: cherry, lemon meringue and mincemeat. Richard remembers the lattice work on the cherry pie and the highest meringue he’s ever seen.  (Jan’s note:  every meringue since then has been judged by that memory!)  From Gramma’s house, hosting went to Richard’s Mom’s in Elmhurst.  Then for many years to Aunt Tara (Steve)’s in Wheaton, and now the baton has passed to her son Brandon (Jenni)’s home in Warrenville, Ill.  This year weather forced the event to be postponed by necessity to after Christmas, but it was a great time.  Aunt Tara brought videos from Christmas’ about 25+ years ago when we all looked younger.

Well, there you have it.  2022.  It was a good year and we still marvel that God has blessed us so much.  We are overwhelmed with gratitude that our life has been filled with so many pleasant memories.  We are thankful for the memories and the friendships.  So thank you for being a part of that.  May our Lord Jesus Christ richly bless you and yours in 2023.

Richard (Rick) and Jan Concklin



The Richard/Rick and Jan Concklin Christmas Letter for 2021

January 29, 2022


I have been sitting here for over half an hour trying to figure out how to make my list of things from last year fit into some kind of coherent pattern but it is just not there.  My broad topics are COVID, Family, COVID, Trips, COVID, Cancellations, COVID, Ministry, COVID, Activities, COVID, and People who died.  As you can see COVID cast a long shadow.  So here are my topics in reverse order.


People who died.  I know, I know, this is a terrible way to start, but after many, many years of hardly any first-name friends passing, the last six months of 2021 were a real jolt.  In the last eight months we lost six and a seventh went into memory care.  Only one of the six was COVID related.  Another was a good colleague and friend (Dan Bickel) who was District Superintendent for the Wisconsin District of the Wesleyan Church and provided many ministry opportunities for Jan and me over the past twenty years.  We grieve but not without hope, 1 Thessalonians, chapter four.   Moses in Psalm 90 prayed,  “Teach us to number our days . . “


Activities.  By February, vaccine was available and COVID was on the run.  Or so we thought.  Jan and I were each shot twice.  We donned our masks and occasional face shield to work the polls for two statewide elections in February and April. 


Jan is really into baking and enjoying trying out new recipes.  Good for fun and satisfaction.  Bad for diets.  With no windows our kitchen lights were needed even on full sunshine days. After years of thinking it might be a good idea, we finally removed the overhead light and put a sky light in its place in the kitchen.  After six months we have finally stopped trying to turn off the kitchen light when we leave.


The Model A Club continues to be part of our lives. After four years as president of the Wisconsin Region of the Model A Restorers Club, I declined to run for reelection but am still on the executive board.  Roger G is our Model A club technical person.  He invited me to help him get several Model A cars that had not run for years, up and running.  Meanwhile my own engine got a stuck valve.  After four failures and five head gaskets, I think I’m back on the road but won’t know for sure until Spring when the corrosive road salt is gone. 


A club highlight for me was to perform the wedding of Roger S, my VP, and Mia.  I did the wedding with family and friends in his son’s back yard.  Then I changed my hat from clergyman to chauffeur and drove him and his bride to the reception in his Model A sedan.


Ministry. Our church, <northridgechurchwisconsin.org>, reopened for in person services in February and Jan, with appropriate COVID precautions, has been meeting with the ladies in her small group.  Several of those ladies are growing spiritually in wonderful ways and that is a great encouragement.  


Before COVID I offered multiple-week courses on Intro to the New Testament and Intro the Old Testament.  As we adjust from COVID, we are trying “Two-Hour Topics”  Single topics presented on one night. The first two were on the origin of the Bible (November) and the Birth of Jesus (December).  The January one was on prophecy and the Second Coming. 


I wrapped up my teaching/coaching with Pastor Barry West at Hancock, Wisconsin.  I was reminded of the old proverb, “Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.  Teach a man to fish and he doesn’t need you anymore!”   In ministry training there is a great satisfaction in NOT being needed.


The Wisconsin District is now part of the Great Lakes Region (GLR) of The Wesleyan Church which combined five separate districts from Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin into one unit.  In September we attended our regional rally in Naperville, Illinois.  One of the free-time activities was axe throwing.  I went from novice to two at a time (one in each hand) with just a little training.  To be perfectly honest, although I was able to throw two at a time, it took me six tries to get them both to stick.


Cancellations.  In spite of my two shots, I tested positive for COVID at the beginning of October.  It was a mild case, only lasted about a week, with fatigue and no smell being the main complaints.  Unfortunately, my 60th High School reunion was the next weekend.  It was originally scheduled for September of 2020 but got bumped by COVID. I had some nice correspondence with the organizers and that was it.  No more reunions are scheduled.


Also bumped from 2020 was our trip to New England.  We rescheduled for October 18-27 and then Jan tested positive for COVID on the 10th.  Jan did not experience the loss of smell but the fatigue and a cough lingered for three weeks or so.  She slept for many nights in recliner chair to minimize the coughing.


Trips.  In late May when everyone was thinking that the whole COVID thing was finally waning, we managed to slip in a trip to Dallas to see Denny and Marilyn Leeds.  It was a good time with good friends.  Den and I were in the high school youth group at Grace Bible Church, Elmhurst, Illinois  and Best Man at each other’s weddings.  You might say we go waaay back.


As a coup de gras we went out with a bang with a trip to Florida for Christmas.  It was really as Jan observed, five trips combined, December 19 to January 9.


Trip 1,  Visit with Dave and Betty Lingle in Orland Park, Illinois.  Good friends from seminary days.


Trip 2,  Drive on to Indian Shores near Tampa, Florida for a week where we rented a condo on the Gulf shore beach.  Actually it was two condos and we had the whole family minus Rob and Angie who had responsibilities at home that week.  Beautiful sunsets.

Trip 3,  Drive south to Venice, Florida to visit with Joe and Nancy Gorman and their son Dan who lives nearby.  Joe and Nancy have been good friends since our Baptist Temple ministry in Fall River, Massachusetts. 

Trip 4   Drive to Key West, southernmost land in the United States.  It was on our ‘bucket list’ and now we can check it off.


Trip 5  Drive to Fort Lauderdale and see what’s left of the places where I spent the first 10 years of my life.  Answer, not much, but the house is still there and so is Lauderdale Beach.


Then it was the long drive home via Gorman’s and Lingle’s. 



While at Gorman’s we celebrated Jan’s birthday.  She told me not to tell, but it was too late, I had already mentioned it to Joe.


We logged over 4100 miles and were reminded that we are not as young as we used to be when it comes to road trips!


One-hundred and fifty miles between Indianapolis and Chicago was an ice-storm.  Thirty-five miles per hour on the interstate and thankful to be moving! 



Family.  Our family continues to be the best part of our lives in retirement.  Each of them, Tracy, (Scott, daughters Megan & Lauren), Tim (Jennifer, son Ben, daughters Ryan and Abi), and Robert (Angie) are doing well and continuing in work and/or schooling.  It is a blessing that their lives are stable and each of them is contributing to the world in different ways.  We are more than proud of the 11 people that sit around our table as family. With us, that makes 13, which is a number Jan grew up feeling was the Chastain’s lucky number since her father Charles was born on Friday the 13th. 


Jan and I continue to embrace Psalm 16:5-6:

            “Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you have made my lot secure.  The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.”


Belated “Merry Christmas” and may you have a joyous and blest 2022!

Richard/Rick and Jan



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Welcome to the Richard and Jan Concklin Family Newsletter for 2020!


I wanted to just go with that first sentence and leave the rest of the pages blank since most of our lives have been cancelled for the year 2020, but we do have some updates and, in any case, we want to wish you a Merry Christmas and God’s richest blessings for the year ahead.


Like most of you we started the year with a full schedule of plans and that lasted all of eight weeks!  In February we attended special meetings with the Great Lakes Region of The Wesleyan Church.  In 2019 the Wisconsin District and the four districts from Michigan and Illinois, merged to form the GLR.  So we went from being a medium size fish in a small pond to being the same size fish, but in a much larger pond. 


In terms of actual ministry, little has changed.  Jan has continued to work with a small group of ladies, with masks and social distancing as needed. 


Jan says that a key help to her own survival (remember with whom she has to live!) has been preparing the group discussion notes for the church each week.  She gets a text copy on Thursday of the sermon for the next Sunday.  Then she creates a page of discussion questions that can be used by groups, families, or individuals to reflect and build on the message themes.  The notes go on the church web site with the sermon.  The notes are excellently done and you can see them at www.northridgechurchwisconsin.org under ‘resources.’


I continue to work with the pastor of the Wesleyan church in Hancock.  It has been a joy to walk with him from lay youth director to licensed church pastor over the past year and a half.  The plan to teach a “Two Hour Topics” series for our own church is shelved until the pandemic passes.


After the meetings in Illinois, COVID-19 hit and the world shut down.  We had tickets to see the play “Wicked” that was coming to Madison in March. That was cancelled and they sent our money back. 


The biggest loss was our planned “fourth final trip” to New England.  So named because we have taken “just one more final trip” to see our good friends from our Everett/Fall River era three times already.  But we mean it this time!


That was to happen in April just as the pandemic was seriously settling in.  Suddenly, no one that we wanted to visit, wanted us to see us! 


As people in the ‘high risk’ group we should have hidden under a rock but we decided that there were some things that we could do to fight back.  We had been poll workers in 2019 so we donned protective gear and worked at the polls for four different primary and final elections this year. 


Since ‘high risk’ describes most of the members of our antique car club we arranged meetings and brief tours to accommodate those who wanted to give the cars some exercise.  Parades were cancelled but we could enjoy a brief drive and wave to the people we passed along the way.  Jan stepped up and planned several of the routes.  About a third of our usual participants shared those drives with us.


In August, the wider family summer gathering in Illinois was cancelled.


The final third of the year was occupied with medical issues.  My cataract surgery, postponed from March, was finally scheduled for September.  But Jan got the jump on me by having her heart attack on Labor Day.  We went to the hospital in the morning with chest pains and came home Wednesday evening with two stints and seven new medicines.


Because there was no permanent heart damage and they fixed it so fast, Jan hesitates to call it a real heart attack.  But it was real enough.  She had two blockages 70% and 90%!  The ninety percent one is so common and so deadly that the doctors call it the widow-maker.


In November, Thanksgiving with the family at Scott and Tracy’s was cancelled.  Christmas was almost cancelled.  Present opening on Zoom just doesn’t cut it so Jan is working on a COVID-19-safe visit with each household separately.



Tracy is teaching and working on a doctorate in Math Ed. at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.  Scott’s company decided to outsource his department, so after a very stressful year he is working at the same place, doing the same job (sorta), but working for the new company.  The business world can be crazy!  Megan is a sophomore and Lauren in 8th grade, both study remotely.  With a mother who is a teacher they really are studying at home!


Tim is still working at the alternative high-school, only now he is in charge of his department.  Jen directs a social support program that assists struggling families and individuals. Ben is a freshman; Ryan Elizabeth is in 6th grade and Abi is in 3rd grade. 


Robert has gone back to school to study photography and media.  Thank-you G.I. Bill.  Angie has returned to school to work on a master’s degree.  The Concklins may not be rich and famous (yet) but we are well edjucated!  (spelling here is intended as a joke)


Stay safe!

Richard & Jan

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The Concklin Annual (aka Christmas) Letter for 2019


New Year’s Day, 2020.


Did you ever have a “dream come true” and then not know what to do with it?  That’s where I (Richard) am as I write this.  My dream is to sit down on the first day of the year and write my annual letter.  So here I am on New Years Day and the muses are sleeping in.


This has been a year of reflection for me personally.  I realized as I passed my birthday that I was an old geezer.  I don’t see myself that way, but the years are undeniable.  I also don’t think I look old, but the counter kid (anyone less than 30 is a kid) gave me the senior discount without asking me.  That kind of hurt.


In May the Wheaton College class of 1964 had a 55th reunion.  There seems to be plenty of us left, just more wrinkled.  Plans are already in the works for a 60th reunion of the York High School (Elmhurst, IL) class of 1960 in September.  The organizers have already declared that they will not be organizing any more reunions after this one.  Apparently, they think that they will not be up for another effort in five more years.  Sounds defeatist to me, but then I’m not doing all the work!  And I can appreciate the wisdom of not pushing past the physical potential that may be left.


Jan and I do have enough energy to teach and to travel and we did some of each in 2019.  The District Extension Classes I used to teach have been pretty much pre-empted by on-line courses offered by our Wesleyan Colleges.  So, I have shifted my focus to enrichment classes for interested lay people.  Basically it is the same material but without the papers and the tests.  We did a trial run for our home church, northridgechurchwisconsin.org, with a seven-session Old Testament Survey in the spring.  That was well received, so we did a five-session New Testament Survey in the fall.


We are also involved in the small group ministry at North Ridge.  Jan has a wonderful and spiritually growing group of ladies that meets Tuesdays.  We share responsibilities for a Wednesday evening group where she actually does most of the prep work and we both lead.


About an hour north of us in Hancock, WI, is a small Wesleyan Church.  The pastor resigned in June and we were asked by the District to fill in and evaluate the situation, Aug-Oct.  We have continued on a limited basis and will be involved there until April.


Our traveling began in January with The Wesleyan Church “Gathering” in Orlando.  March saw Tim, Robert, and I out in Las Vegas for a week of defensive firearm’s training.  It was Tim’s idea and a great time for the guys.  July found us in Russia on a river cruise between St. Petersburg and Moscow (yes, rivers and canals can take you all the way).  In August we made our way to Forney, TX, for the 50th wedding anniversary of Denny and Marilyn Leeds.  (I was best man in his wedding and he was best man in mine.)  The balance of the year involved short trips to the Chicago area and between family sites in Wisconsin.


In anticipation of the Russian cruise we decided to learn some Russian.  The language uses the Cyrillic alphabet and we wanted to be able to at least read the signs and say ‘please’ and ‘thank-you’. There was an adult learning class in our local community college and we went for it.  When a person is a slow language learner, a college language class is an exercise in humility. Fortunately, the instructor was patient,  actively tried to minimize any embarrassment, and succeeded enough to keep us from playing hooky.  Affordabletours.com signed us up and gate1travel.com ran the tour.  We would recommend them both.  The cruise was wonderful and the ability to dabble in the language was fun but not essential.


In October of 2018 Jan’s mom, Gracie Chastain, moved from her senior living apartment into an assisted living situation.  Her 92 years were taking their toll and she was needing a walker if she went very far.  She was still able to drive around town but her eyesight was not the best.  So she got rid of the car and moved.


She was doing very well in the new place until summer when she sustained a fall and then a minor stroke.  By September she had lost the use of her legs and needed a wheelchair to get around.  It seemed all her body was shutting down at the same time.  Thankfully her mind was clear until the last couple of days and she passed away on October 31st.  Jan and I were making weekly trips down to Glen Ellen, IL for the last couple of months.  Although we helped as much as we could, Jan’s sister Gail was the rock through the whole final years of Gracie’s life.  Jan and Gracie talked on the phone almost daily.  Those conversations are missed the most and we’re adjusting.


On the second Saturday in September we went to the University of Wisconsin, Stephens Point for the winter graduation ceremonies.  Once there we had the pleasure of seeing Tim get his Master of Science in Education degree.  He has been working on this part time while teaching at an alternative high school.

Rob and Tracy are also working on degrees, Tracy in math ed, and Robert in both graphic design and visual media.


In May I sold the 1929 Model A Ford Tudor to concentrate on the 1928 Model A Sport Coupe.  In December I was elected to my second two-year term as president of the Wisconsin Chapter of the Model A Restorer’s Club (MARC).  In summer we sold the 2002 Saturn Vue.  We bought it new in ’02 and drove it 270,000 miles!  So it did not own us anything.  We replaced it with a 2014 Miata retractable in October.  We had snow for Halloween and put the top down on Christmas day.  A fitting conclusion to a crazy weather year.


Final note.  The Concklin Family (meaning Roger, Betty, Tara, me, a couple of cousins, and some friends) Christmas party has been hosted for more than 25 years by my sister in Wheaton, IL.  Last year she declared that the 2018 party would be the last one she would host.  Into the breach jumped her son Brandon.  He and his wife Jenni volunteered to host this year in Tara’s stead and did.  It was nice and continued, at least for one more year, the Concklin Christmas party which had its origins at my grandmother’s home in Oak Park, IL, way back in the 1940’s.


After my mother passed in 2007, Aunt Tara and I sat down and reflected on mom’s last few years.  We agreed that there is great satisfaction in looking back and realizing that you made good choices and have no regrets.  During 2019 I had occasion to reflect on a lifetime of decisions with that same satisfaction. 


Even before we married, Jan and I were committed to each other and to a joint lifetime of service to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  Each decision has been made in the shadow of that commitment.  We have been blest with a wonderful family and significant ministries along the way.  The world looks for satisfaction with no regrets.  We are finding it in Him.


You’re are getting this because, in the providence of God, we have been privileged to share some of our days with you.  Thank-you for enriching our life-journey. May your 2020 be filled with satisfaction and no regrets!


                                    Richard & Jan Concklin         Web site in progress: www.concklin.net

Thanksgiving 2018 Family Photo—We do Thanksgiving on the Saturday after to avoid scheduling problems with the various in-laws.  Jan came up with the idea a few years ago and it is working well for us.<< New text box >>

Back row:  Nephew Brandon Tuttle and wife Jenni.  Son Tim, wife Jen and granddaughter Abi, Rob’s wife Angie, Jan’s brother Steve and wife Joanne, Son Rob.

Second row:  Jan’s mom Gracie (92), Daughter Tracy and dog Teddy, Scott’s mom Joan and dog Chloe, Richard (aka Rick), Tracy’s husband Scott.

First row:  Tim’s Ben, Jan, Tracy’s Lauren, Brandon’s Lexi, Tim’s Ryan, Tracy’s Megan.


Concklin’s (Richard and Jan) Christmas Letter for 2018.


Part A, by Jan,

January 2019, (aka Christmas 2018)


As we write this, we are in the middle of a snowy January (-19 currently after a high today of 14 below zero).  Which is ok, because this is – after all – January in Wisconsin.   To bring you up to date on our family: 


Richard is President of the Model A club and we have made a lot of new friends through the Club.  The 1928 Sport Coupe (think Rumble seat) is approaching finished, with just some trim items to go.  We had a skin cancer scare early in the year, but with treatment, that’s behind us.


Jan continues to find the advantages of retirement.  She teaches a Ladies Bible Study on Tuesday mornings and we both lead a group on Wednesday evenings.  This past fall, she had a “misbehaving” parathyroid removed surgically:  we’re thinking it’s been a couple of years in the making.  Immediately, she felt better and is now in the process of rebuilding bone calcium. Jan’s Mom, Gracie (92), moved into an Assisted Living place in suburban Chicago this past fall and seems to be making the transition slowly but surely.


Daughter Tracy is working on her Doctorate in the field of Math Education.  With a part-time job for a Professor, she has her hands full.  Hubby Scott works for American Family Insurance and is our resident computer expert, and he has been a big help on more than one occasion.  Both of them have a full-time job keeping up with the schedules, lessons, and practices for Megan (13) and Lauren (11).  Megan is in sports and Lauren is in dance.


Son Tim continues his teaching job in an Alternative Learning School.  He started out the “newbie” and as life happened, he’s now the most senior teacher and finds himself with more supervisory responsibilities.  Wife Jen has accepted a paid position with a local charity as Director of Operations.  It is an organization that meets the needs of the community.  In very general terms, think Pantry, Meals and much more.  She is their first to hold this position and her organizational skills are being used to a great degree.  Son Ben (12) plays the trumpet and is currently in Basketball.  Daughter Ryan (10) is in Ballet.  Daughter Abi (7), for whom many of you have prayed and often expressed interest, is doing well in school and defying early medical predictions by walking and even limited running. 


Son Robert continues working for a specialty printing plant, producing a lot of the food and candy wrappers we all recognize.  Wife Angie is working on her master’s degree and holding two part-time jobs in the meantime.  They bought and moved into Angie’s childhood farmhouse after her parents built a new home just down the street.  Angie was the General Contractor and did a great job coordinating a LOT of moving parts. 


As always, but more and more, we are living Psalm 16:5-6.  “The lines have fallen for us in pleasant places.”  As we look at the things we have (food, clothing and shelter), we are grateful.  But we are also grateful for so much more:  family, friends, a good church, and most of all a relationship with the Living Jesus. 


Listening to the news, we realize more and more that the real Hope of the World is not to be found in passing another law, but for Jesus to change us from the inside outward.  That’s change that lasts.

Jan Concklin, for the family.  (January 29,2019)


May the Lord answer you when you are in distress;
    may the name of the God of Jacob protect you.
May he send you help from the sanctuary
    and grant you support from Zion.
May he remember all your sacrifices
    and accept your burnt offerings.[b]
May he give you the desire of your heart
    and make all your plans succeed.

                                                                                    Psalm 20:1-4  NIV



Richard's Part B continues here.

Endings continued:


            Restoration of 1928 Model A Sport Coupe  The car is assembled and running.  I put 1808 miles on it over the summer.  Still cosmetic details and mechanical issues to finish up but the bulk of a frame-up restoration is done.  I’d have never made it without the support and help from a few of the men in the Model A club and it still took three years!


            Sale of 1929 Model A Tudor.  In 1988 I sold my 1928 Roadster and a bunch of extra parts and exited the antique car hobby.  In 2009 I got back in when I purchased a 1929 Tudor Sedan.  That led me to get involved with the local Model A club.  The members there were more than kind and helpful and have become good friends.  I have no need for two antique cars—not to mention no room.


            Barb and Rob Owsley were part of Faith Baptist Church when we first came to Madison.  Barb was our kids’ piano teacher. They went off to teach in China for 30 years.  In 2007 we visited with them in Tianjin at the end of our China trip.  They have now returned back to the States and we joined the welcoming crowd at their retirement this year.



II.  Continuations:

            50th wedding anniversary.  Robert was born on our 13th anniversary. My observation to Jan in the delivery room, “You realize of course that this kills our steak dinners for the foreseeable future.”  Somewhere around our 45th anniversary we started talking about what we wanted to do for our 50th if we were still on speaking terms by then.  Well, our 50th came and went in January 2018 with no special marker.  As I write this we have just passed our 51st anniversary and still have not celebrated.  But we’re still talking.  Maybe this year.


            Basel cell cancer.   February 2018 evaluations of skin spots indicate that there is no longer any active cells and I’m good until next time.  Almost a year later there is no “next time” yet.  I can remember my Grandmother coming home from a check-up with her doctor and saying, “My heart is good, my lungs are good.  I just don’t know what I’m going to die from!”  She was 80 plus something at the time. 


            Class on the Minor Prophets.  I have taught numerous classes over the years for Wisconsin students who are preparing for ministry.  The Wesleyan Church has a program for folks who are called to ministry later in life and have work and family responsibilities.  The district classes have mostly been preempted by the on-line college courses but occasional traditional classes are offered and I was able to teach an Old Testament class  last Spring on the Minor Prophets.


            Visit over Easter with Lingle’s in PA. Dave Lingle was a classmate of mine at Gordon Divinity School and a groomsman at our wedding.  We visited with them last spring and discussed some possibilities for a belated 50th.  They were game to come but the event never happened.  However, while we were discussing possible participants the name of groomsman Don Jarka came up.  We had lost track of Don and I had tried a couple of times to chase him down but always came up short.  Jan went to the computer and came back with his phone number!  (I should have turned the search over to her earlier!)


            Reunited with Don Jarka.   Don and his wife are living in a city near Grand Rapids, Michigan.  I called him on the phone and spent almost an hour catching up.  He was game to come to a party and we planned to send more details as they gelled.  By the time we got back to him he had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  We drove to Michigan to spend a couple of days with he and Donna.  It was a good time with many memories.  At this writing he is still hanging on and talking about Jesus to everyone he can.  Don is one of the few Christians I know who have a gift for evangelism and can share Christ’s good news with people and never be offensive.


            Den and Marilyn’s visit.  Speaking again of our 50th, Den and Marilyn Leeds came for a visit to Madison.  Den was best man in our wedding and I was best man when he married Marilyn a year and a half later.  Den was pastor in a church in Lone Rock a few miles west of Madison.  They had a church anniversary celebration and invited Den, as a previous pastor, to come and share with the congregation as part of the celebration.  They stayed with us and we went to the service.  Den did a nice job.  I can hardly wait to hear what he has to say at our 50th—whenever that happens.


            North Ridge small groups.  Ever since North Ridge Church started small groups, Jan and I have been involved in that ministry.  North Ridge is a church plant of the Wisconsin District of The Wesleyan Church.  Jan leads a group of ladies that meets Tuesday mornings.  And we jointly lead a group of ten adults on Wednesday evenings.  Grand daughter Megan attends church youth group on Sunday nights.  Jan and Megan were talking about the Tuesday lady’s group and Megan did not know what to call it.  So she said, “You know, your youth group.”  Jan told the ladies and now they call their small group, ‘our youth group.’


            Electrical work at Rob and Angie’s.   Rob and Angie have moved into the farm house where Angie grew up.  Her parents decided to build a new house for themselves about a city block away and sold the old homestead to them.  As part of the refurbishing of the house they asked me to come and help with the electric.  Since I worked with electricians at both Wheaton College and Gordon Div. School I have a modest expertise.  Other than plastic boxes and ground fault interrupters, it is amazing how little house wiring has changed in the past forty-five years.


III.  Resumptions:

            Contact lens use in December.  Since I was pretty much out of circulation during the time with the Myanmar congregation, other preaching opportunities dried up until late in 2018.  As I prepared I realized that I was having difficulty reading my sermon notes.  It took more than a glance to see what was next.  So it was back to the contact lenses.


IV.  Beginnings:

            Model A Restorers’ Club presidency.  At the end of 2017, I was elected to a two-year term as president of the Wisconsin Chapter of the Model A Restorers’ Club.  It is hard to run an effective negative campaign when there is no opposition candidate.  I did manage to win and we are doing fairly well with cars that are 87 to 90 years old and many owners not far behind.


            Hearing aids.  “What?”, “I’m Sorry?”, “Say again, please?”.  After saying these or similar responses enough, it became obvious that it was time.  I went with Beltone and have been quite satisfied.  Adjustment has been minimal and Jan does not have to watch TV with her fingers in her ears.


            Unusual Christmas gift.  Christmas of 2017 Tim found a deal on gun parts and bought them in triplicate.  His idea was that he, Rob, and I could get the rest of the parts and each assemble his own gun.  A few months later we met in his shop and between the three of us we were able to put together three working guns.  Then we actually went out and tried them at a local shooting range and they all worked!  We haven’t shot them since, but maybe more testing this spring.


            Active shooter training.  At North Ridge Church they announced that the city of Waunakee would be offering a special presentation on how to deal with an active shooter situation in school or at your work.  Ever since my membership in the Auxiliary Police in Everett, I have been interested in policing and policing tactics so I attended the training.  They provided some very practical ideas on how to survive one of the rare but very real scourges of our time. 


            Para-thyroid surgery.  Part of our 50th anniversary lack of enthusiasm turned out to be related to Jan’s para-thyroid.  Four small glands each about the size of a grain of rice govern how our bodies use calcium, and impact a bunch of other physical issues.  Now that the overactive one has been removed, energy and enthusiasm are returning and life is coming back to the old normal and we are thankful for that.


            Tracy’s birthday celebration.  In the scheduling of our family Christmas celebration we have bumped to the Saturday after the 25th for the past couple of years.  This year Tracy called, “Foul!” because her December 30th birthday was getting short-changed.  So we celebrated the birth of Jesus on Saturday at Robert’s house and the birth of Tracy at our house on Sunday.


            Abi’s dancing.  When Abi (shortened from Abigail to Abby to Abi so she could write it more easily) was born they said that she would never be able to walk on her own.  She has since done a number of things that were said to be unlikely if not impossible with Rodriguez Syndrome.  She had been walking on her own for several months when she got a present.  It was a plastic roll that opened up to show a working piano keyboard about 30 inches long.  At one end was a battery box and a small control panel.  You can push the keys on the roll and play a tune or you can push a button on the control panel and it will play a few simple songs on its own.  When she first opened it she was very suspicious, even afraid of it.  We rolled it out and showed her what it would do.  After her initial hesitation she pushed the button to play a song.  Then she pushed the button again. Then she pushed it again and started dancing around to the music!


To see her dance made us all feel like dancing.  It was a wonderful reminder that our suspicions, fears and hesitations can lead to dancing, if we will just push the button. 


May our Lord Jesus Christ fill your 2019 with the joy of dancing!  Psalm 20:1-4  NIV




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A Creative Alternatives Website by Richard Concklin